Stressed at Work?
Stressed at Work?
Feedback from you on our audios

Thank you for choosing to leave us some feedback on our audios.  This gives us a great opportunity to improve on them and to make them more effective for you. We don't believe that we get everything right so we really value what you have to say.

If you have listened to the audios whilst you have been engaged in some other activity which has absorbed your attention, e.g. whilst driving, then you will not have been able to focus on their content and, whilst we appreciate you listening, we would ask you not to leave feedback as the audios are not designed to be effective under those circumstances. 

We don't want to take up much of your time so all of the comment fields are optional.  If you'd like to know if and when we have amended any of our audio or you'd like to know when more audio has been added then please leave your email address in the last comment block below or use our contact form which you can find HERE.
Which audio are you giving feedback on?

Have you, or will you, listen to the audio again?




Did it help you to relax and feel calmer?


A bit


Would you have preferred the audio to be:


As it was


How good was this audio compared to similar audio that you have listened to?




Anything else that you'd like to say?
(This is optional)

Your email address:
(This is optional)

Settled Mind Limited is registered in the UK.
Registered number: 03976942